
Full Price for Digital Tourism: on April 26 we will talk about the digital revolution

Turismo Digitale is the project carried out by Full Price, together with DotFlorence, to help the operators of the extra-hotel world to be always updated with the latest news of the digital market.

Born during the period of pandemic, Digital Tourism is now an established reality and its cycle of free LAB continues smoothly in 2023.

The courses of TurismoDigitale are designed for all entrepreneurs in the tourism sector, in order to give them all the tools to become successful businesses.

The appointment with Digital Tourism in April

The next appointment with Turismo Digitale Lab will be held on April 26 and will address the topic of the new digital revolution.

During the Labs of 2023, in fact, we began to deepen the topic of the innovations that we face every day.

In everything we live we can see how technological developments change the way we live, the way we communicate and the way we approach the world of hospitality.

For years we have heard about Metaverse, Augmented Reality, Behavioral Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and so on. But all these innovations can be difficult to understand if you do not have the right knowledge to make the most of all the tools that this revolution makes available to us.

These tools will be the focus of the April event, in which we will address the following topics:

  • ChatGPT
  • Airdna
  • Web Semantico
  • Behavioral algorithms
  • Big Data Analytics

What are the strengths of these new tools? What are the critical issues? How can we make the most of digital novelties, without being crushed but taking full advantage of all the opportunities?

To answer these questions, we will meet together on April 26, at the auditorium of The Social Hub, in Florence, from 3 pm to 6 pm.

With whom?

Marco Nicosia
Full Price
Marco de la Pierre
Paolo Ramponi
Andrea Chiara Baldi
Consulente esterna


The Social Hub
Sala Auditorium
Viale Spartaco Lavagnini, 70-72


Wednesday 26 April
From 15 to 18

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